Renaud Darmanin

This Michelin-starred chef became interested in cooking at a very young age. He then went to hotel school and worked with great chefs: Frederic Anton and Paul Bocuse.

At the age of 26, he decided to return to his region and take over a bistro that he transformed into a starred restaurant, the Auberge de la Tour. A one-star restaurant in the Michelin guide.

In just a few years, chef Renaud Darmanin has become a rising star in French gastronomy.

His cuisine is based on his region, but is often sprinkled with flavours from elsewhere.

Renaud Darmanin invites you to sit down and enjoy a starter, a main course, a dessert, and some original recipes.

His cuisine is based on his region, but often sprinkled with scents from elsewhere.

It is a thoughtful, well-constructed and gourmet cuisine, thanks to his technique and his enthusiasm.
Starter :

Trompe l'oeil chätaigne, bleu d'auvergne and cantal tile

Main Course :

Trout with saffron butter, pak choï, romanesco, celery purée

Dessert :

Ananas du Ghana pain de sucre flambé, sirop aux épices, granité citron noix de coco
